Becky WiseOcoee River, White Water Rafting

Hey all Wildwater Fans in and around the Atlanta Area! Make sure that you listen to 94.9 the Bull in the mornings from 5am- 10am for a free rafting or ziplining experience! All summer Kristen … Read More

Short History of Rafting

Becky WiseWhite Water Rafting

History of Whitewater

Short History of Rafting Traveling by water has been a form of transportation for ages; however, the whitewater rafting form of water transportation is fairly recent.  Whitewater rafting started as a way to explore unknown … Read More

The Day Off Deficit

Becky WiseWhite Water Rafting, Wildwater

Day Off Deficit

An article published by Travel Effect  magazine talks about the fact US workers do not take advantage of their earned days off.  The United States work force could help the economy, and their sanity, by … Read More

Team Wildwater: Where are they??

Becky WiseWhite Water Rafting

Rafting in Uganda

Have you ever wondered what our Team does in the winter?  Many of them are college students attending schools including College of Charleston, Clemson, University of TN, Warren Wilson, UNC-Chapel Hill, NC State, Appalachian State, … Read More