Five Reasons to Become a Canopy Ranger at Wildwater

Lysianne PeacockZiplines Canopy Tours

Do you dream of more adventure in your life? Then consider becoming a Canopy Ranger. Working as a zipline guide is a fulfilling and exciting job because you get to spend your work days in the trees flying through the air and giving Guests an experience they will never forget. It’s an action packed job that will have you flying high all summer. If you’re not already convinced, here are five reasons you should consider working as a Canopy Ranger at Wildwater this season:

Get Your Outdoor Career Off the Ground…Literally

Pun intended, working as a zipline guide is the perfect way to jumpstart your outdoor career. As a Canopy Ranger, you will develop leadership skills, learn how to make risk management decisions, and learn how to work as a team. These skills are essential in the outdoor industry.

 Your Job is the Gym

Working as a Canopy Ranger is not just flying through trees. It involves a lot of physical work to get from Point A to Point B. From hiking on uneven terrain to walking up multiple flights of stairs, paying for a gym membership will seem like a moot point when your job is your workout.

The Outdoors is Your Office

Instead of sitting behind a desk and getting eye fatigue from staring at a computer screen, working as a Canopy Ranger requires you to spend your day in the trees, flying over rivers, and walking past waterfalls.

Feed the Need for Speed

If you have a need for adrenaline, then working as a Canopy Ranger will curb that craving. Not only will you be working at heights above 60 feet but you will be zooming down ziplines. According to a survey by Head Rush Technologies, you can reach speeds of 31 to 50 miles per hour. 

Become Unbeatable at Trivia Night

As a Canopy Ranger, not only will you be working with ziplines and high-level climbing gear, but you will also learn and teach Guests about local history, environment, and culture. This knowledge will set you up for success at trivia night.

Don’t Take it From Us. See What Our Employees Had to Say:

Canopy ranger Mike Barton

Mike Barton

“Wildwater has become a place that I love to work for. I have been given opportunities to advance in a career I love because of Wildwater, and have grown as a person because of those opportunities. I get to meet people from various areas and walks of life, and have gotten to make great friendships…all because of Wildwater.”



Mac Watson

Apply to be a Canopy Ranger today!